Ubuntu / Linux Mint: Hiren's Boot CD on USB

Use the USB memory formatter (Linux Mint), or make sure the USB disk has a single simple FAT32 partition.

Install unetbootin as the USB memory writing tool (Linux Mint) does not seem to work.

apt-get install unetbootin

Start unetbootin, select the ISO option and pick the ISO file.

Check that the correct device is targeted and start the process. It takes more time than the USB memory writing tool, maybe this is a confirmation that it is actually working correctly.

When done open the USB memory in the file manager.

Go to folder HBCD, rename the isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg. 

Copy this syslinux.cfg file to the ROOT of the USB memory.

Unmount the drive, then it is ready for use.

If not doing the above you will miss the Mini XP alternative in the unetbootin boot menu.

This is a personal note. Last updated: 2014-11-27 10:14:33.








Don't forget to pay my friend a visit too. Joakim