Select conversion method, insert your data below and push button to convert data.
You can call this page as a webservice. You can choose between JSON output and plain text output. Request can be sent as GET or POST.
Possible parameters are:
- format - Specifies the format with json,text or html.
- input - The data to be processed.
- conversion - The type of conversion to do, can be one of the following: asortlines, asortseparated, base64_encode, base64_decode, bin2hex, convert_uudecode, convert_uuencode, crc32, dsortlines, dsortseparated, duplicatelinekiller, eolskiller, hebrev, hebrevc, hex2bin, htmlspecialchars, htmlspecialchars_decode, jsoncompressedprint, jsonprettyprint, mb_strlen, md5, metaphone, nothing, newlines_tabs_to_spaces, quoted_printable_decode, quoted_printable_encode, robber_language_encode, repeat_lines_horizontal, reverse_line_order, robber_language_decode, sam4s_decode, sam4s_encode, sha1, short_timecalc, sort_list_by_list, soundex, strlen, strrev, strtolower, strtoupper, str_shuffle, strip_tags, str_rot13, str_word_count, trim, timecalc, ucwords, urldecode, urlencode
4821 conversions since june 2008