mldonkey-server - Installation notes
# install it apt-get install mldonkey-server # make a symlink to config ln -s /var/lib/mldonkey /etc/mldonkey # stop the service as it holds the config files service mldonkey-server stop # open /etc/mldonkey/downloads.ini in a text editor, for example jed /etc/mldonkey/downloads.ini # allow access - check the allowed_ips line, change it to your local network range # or a specific ip to allow to connect # for example: allowed_ips = [ ""; "";] # specify download directory # mldonkey uses shared directories to specify where # downloads called incoming files are stored. it uses two - one # for downloaded files and one for downloaded directories # this cannot be changed in the web interface due to a bug # which prevents specifying the same directory for both # (which should work), so you may do it also in downloads.ini # go to the shared_directories line and edit the dirname parameter # two times: shared_directories = [ { dirname = "/where/to/download" strategy = incoming_files priority = 0 }; { dirname = "/where/to/download" strategy = incoming_directories priority = 0 };] # if not specifying, the files will go into subdirs in /var/lib/mldonkey/incoming # start it again service mldonkey-server start # goto http://server-ip:4080/ # you will be prompted to enter a new password, type the following into # the textfield on the top: useradd admin password # in the popup, type the new desired password # if you need to change password again, type passwd admin, and in # the textbox enter a new password # you may also telnet to the server, telnet server-ip 4000, do then write ? to get info
This is a personal note. Last updated: 2014-07-15 17:40:42.