Debian - VirtualDub
Using VirtualDub in Debian 8.4 0. Install wine and winetricks apt-get install wine apt get install winetricks 1. Download regular VirtualDub from the web, I took 32-bit version. 2. Extract to desktop, or where you would like to have it. A good choice if you are gonna keep it is to put it in your wine folder: /home/<your username>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files 3a. Open a terminal. 3b. Currently (2016-09-01) winetricks has a broken URL inside, so it cannot be used. If this has been fixed you may skip this step, but otherwise you need to use the current version of winetricks. To obtain it, do this: wget chmod +x winetricks 4. As yourself - not root - run this in a terminal: winetricks allcodecs Or if you followed step 3b and downloaded a replacement winetricks: ./winetricks allcodecs 5. Install all the codecs 6. If you are going to open videos with AC3 filter (audio with codec tag 2000), you also need to download that and run it by wine: 7. Run VirtualDub using wine
This is a personal note. Last updated: 2016-09-01 13:52:38.