LibreOffice - Cannot open files from Samba/Windows share, Generic Input/Output error when opening

On Debian Jessie 8 I could not open regular document files from a Samba/Windows share.

The solution was found here:

Open a terminal, go root and edit the desktop links for the LibreOffice applications:

(/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/xdg/ was mentioned here before for some reason...)

You will need to edit the links for respective application, eg writer.desktop, base.desktop, impress.desktop and calc.desktop.

What you need to edit is the following line in the files:

set it to false:


Or, use this one liner, thanks to the link above:

sudo sed -i 's/X-GIO-NoFuse=true/#X-GIO-NoFuse=true/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*

Debian Stretch 9

The same behaviour exists on Debian Stretch 9. But the sed solution does not work. It only reveals another error - "Generic input/output error when opening [filename]".

I found a solution for Debian Stretch 9.

On this OS you SHALL have X-GIO-NoFuse set to true - the opposite from Debian Jessie 8.

So if you still have leftovers from Jessie, do this:
sudo sed -i 's/#X-GIO-NoFuse=true/X-GIO-NoFuse=true/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*

Make sure libreoffice is completely installed - it seems like an upgrade from 8 to 9 misses some packages:
apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-gnome

NOTE the installation of libreoffice-gnome! THIS is the key to get it working.

This is a personal note. Last updated: 2017-08-17 14:06:41.







Don't forget to pay my friend a visit too. Joakim